About Us
Hello. Welcome to the Sweet Lola Doll Collection. So glad you’re here.
I’m Ethel ‘Rugba’ Alaka, the founder of the Sweet Lola Doll Collection. I’m a wife and mother of four beautiful children including two wonderful girls who are the inspiration behind the concept of Sweet Lola Doll.
Before my big epiphany, my first child and daughter, Aramide, as a little girl will come home from school crying because other kids had made fun of her beautiful dark skin. Which I found ironic because some of the kids making fun of her were also different shades of black.
That was when I had the revelation to start a black doll brand to help black children identify more with their African lineage at a very early age.
I knew there was room for Improvement…
So I started the Sweet Lola Doll line which is named after my last daughter, Lola who as a young girl happened to love dolls of all stripes but refused to play with a few black dolls I felt were appropriate for her as a child with African ancestry. This was because she never felt any connection with the dolls in terms of their features and appearances.
Which is why we are doing something different with the Sweet Lola Doll collection.
We create dolls that help foster a healthy self-image in our impressionable black daughters.
As a mother and black entrepreneur, I wanted to differentiate our doll line from the conventional dolls in the market that have little to no influence on our Black daughters.
I wanted to create beautiful black dolls that our daughters can happily identify with and which they see as a wonderful representation of themselves – giving them confidence, boldness, and more importantly, pride in their heritage.
A Sweet Lola Doll Will Quickly be your Child’s Best Friend.
Thanks again for showing an interest in Sweet Lola Doll Collection.
– Ethel ‘Rugba Alaka.
Core Values
We thrive on excellence, that is who we are and what we do.
We support and help strengthen simple family values such as family dinners, family prayer time, family fun time to create a strong bond of friendship and love.
we inspire each child to be authentically creative bringing out their best selves and building confidence.
We thrive on doing the right thing always.
We encourage and support our communities/organizations to give voice to the African American and African girl child.
We support and promote formal/informal learning and are creating a scholarship fund to support young girls in education.